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http://www.dowhatyouloveforlife.com/pattern |
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
The Art and Business of surface pattern design e-course
Hi all! I thought I'd let the really creative among you know that there's this wonderful e-course running at the moment on the Do what you love website called The Art and Business of surface pattern design featuring Rachael Taylor- who I think is a wonderful designer and she's really lovely too! Module 1 is finished but you're not to late for 2 & 3 which I'm doing and I am so excited about it. It basically is a course about setting up your own brand and making it successful. I'm currently working on the Me-Me Lou brand and I am trying to make it successful so any tips or advice I welcome so I jumped at the chance to be a part of it. This course is a must for all you surface pattern designers. Rachael is one of the best out there and is an ideal as a teacher for this course. For more info please click on the link.
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Christmas is just around the corner!!!
Ooooh it's almost here. I can't believe it. This year is going by so quickly. Are you all ready? I've got pretty much everything so I'm quite happy. I don't normally blog on a weekend but I've been asked to go and work freelance again up until christmas which is lovely so I've not got as much time as I would normally have to blog so i thought I'd post something quick while I have a chance. Below are some more christmas designs I've done for my agent again. Hope you like them-right I'm off to make some christmas biscuits with hubby Yummy!
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Today I thought I'd share a couple of snaps from my craft fair at Reetsweet that happened at the weekend. It was held at the Corn exchange in Leeds which is such a gorgeous building. The craft fair went well but despite it being christmas people are still scared to spend money on things they perhaps don't need. I myself am scared so I totally understand. I still had a great time and really enjoyed meeting other creatives and getting some really positive comments about my work. There are so many talented people out there. It's such a pleasure to be a part of it. When my website is finally ready (it's taking AGES) you will be able to buy my hand made products on it which I'm really excited about. Anyway hope you all have a fantastic day despite it being a bit grim out there :)
The corn exchanges BIG tree |
The corn exchange Roof-Gorgeous! |
My little stall! |
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
I'm Back!
Hi everyone, well thats me officially back to blogging. My freelancing has finished (for now) so I'm back in my cosy office designing. I did a Christmas reetsweet at the weekend which was fun- I'll tell you more about that in tomorrows post. Now as you all know it's the season to be Jolly so I thought I'd share some Christmas designs that I have been working on for my agent with you. They are available to licence through my agent. If you're interested please email info@puredesigngroup.co.uk for more information.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Christmas Reetsweet this weekend
Hi guys, Just to let you know that I'll be exhibiting at Reetsweet this weekend. The Christmas Craft fair will be at the Leeds corn exchange Saturday and Sunday. If you want some different gifts for you friends and family pop down! I'll be selling Purses, Cards, magnets, keyrings, Totes and badges. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Sunday, 13 November 2011
A mini break from blogging
Hi All, hope you're all well. Just to let you all know I'm having a little break from blogging. As some of you have probably noticed I haven't been as regular with my post and this is due to my work load at the moment. I've been freelancing in house everyday for the last month and will be possibly working there until Christmas. I am also doing lots of designs for my agent and am doing Reetsweet craft fair @Leeds corn exchange 3rd and 4th December so any free time I have I'm making products for that so I'm going to have a break from blogging for the next few weeks at least until I've done Reetsweet. I will squeeze in a post just before Reetsweet to give you all the info about that and show you any new products. See you soon :)!
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One of my new designs! |
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
My Fabric!
Morning! Today I thought I'd share with you a sneaky peak of my fabric designs. I'm going to use them to make my purses etc as although I love using other peoples fabric I think given the fact I am a surface pattern designer I should really be using fabrics designed by me! I've only had 3 fat quarters made but I'm sure I'll get a few purses out of them-Very exciting!
Monday, 31 October 2011
Happy halloween
Oh I am sorry, I am such a terrible blogger at the moment. I've been doing alot of freelancing lately and have just been to busy to actually sit down and blog. I've got lots to share with you so once things calm down a bit I'll be back on it. Anyway today is Ha Ha Halloween. How exciting, are you ready to be spooked tonight? I've got a big bag of goodies for treat or treaters so I hope we get some visitors. I thought I'd share my pumpkin with you today........I carved it ridiculously quickly so it's not my best attemp but it helps create a spooky mood none the less. Well I hope you have a happy halloween and don't get to scared ha ha Haaaaa!
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Guten tag from Austria
Hi guy's, todays post is from Austria! Me and Mr G are in here visiting his sister as she has recently given birth. Our little nephew is beautiful and such a good little boy. It will be hard to leave him. Yesterday we went for a lovely walk in the woods, followed by a BBQ in the sun :) Today we all went for a hike up the side of a mountain and then ate a ridiculous amount of cake! Tomorrow we are off to the Zoo and hopefully I will get some inspirational shots for you all to see.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Have you got a secret?
I bought this book "You're secret" by Frank Warren for My Husbands birthday last year. I happened to be looking through my bookshelf for some inspiration and I was reminded of this book so I started reading it again. I forgot how amazing it was. It's basically a collection of postcards, designed by the people that sent them with their secrets on them. The Author Frank Warren asked people to send them in to him for the postsecret community to help people get through various problems in their life. Reading through peoples various secrets was funning,warming and at times I was moved to tears. Most people do have secrets, some good and some bad but either way it's a moving collection. I strongley recommend the book or better still if you have a secret write a postcard to the postsecret community (click on link for more info) you never know you might inspire or help someone get through something the didn't think they could.
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This is my favourite! |
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
FiFi Lapin
I recently stumbled upon Fifi Lapin while in my local Paperchase. I had to buy the card below as my mum was trying to give me design ideas and she said "why don't you design a cat wearing a raincoat" I thought this was a rather bizarre thing to come out with and she kept going on about it so when I saw this cat on this card I thought wow, mum really was onto something here! How gorgeous is this card? I bought it and sent it to her to prove her idea wasn't as crazy as I first thought. The star of this card however is not the cat but the rabbit. The rabbit is called FiFi Lapin and she is the coolest rabbit around. She a fashionista and a heiress. All her brothers and sisters died of myxomatosis when she was 1yr old and she was the only one who survived so her parents spoil het. You really should have a look at her blog. It's full of her wearing gorgeous clothes from the latest catwalk-it's just brilliant! Click here to see.
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The card I bought my mum.......on her mantle! |
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Fifi Lapin in the latest Moschino- what a gal! |
Monday, 10 October 2011
News from Reetsweet
Sorry for the lack of posts. As you can imagine I was crafting like mad and last week I was doing some freelance in house at my old company so by the time I got home and carried on with my other work blogging got pushed aside. Anyway I had a fab time crafting at Reetsweet. I met some really lovely people and I even got approached by a stockists which is really exciting! I can't wait to do it again. The talent out there is unreal. Here are a few pics of my stall and thanks to everyone who helped me last weekend. On another note I sold some more designs last week with my agent to so it really has been all go but I couldn't be happier :)
What an amazing venue! |
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
See Me-Me Lou (Handmade) at ReetSweet this weekend!
Hi Guys, as most of you know I will be showcasing Me-MeLou (handmade) this weekend with Reetsweet at the corn exchange in Leeds this Saturday 10-5pm and Sunday 11-5pm. This will be the first time I have had a fair with Reetsweet and I'm very excited. It's one of the best craft fairs around I'd say :) Please pop along (if you're in Leeds) and say hello. There will be loads of talented people there selling various different products and it's a perfect place to pick up unusual christmas presents.
Monday, 26 September 2011
It's all about the craft!
Hi guys, you my have noticed I haven't been posting as much lately.....well thats because I've been a VERY busy Bee and quite poorly. As most of you will know I'm doing ReetSweet craft fair this weekend and am showcasing Me-Me Lou handmade so I've been ferociously crafting away. I can't take all the credit as Mr Gemmel has been helping me a great deal. It's been very much a joint effort. I've really been enjoying it. We've been working 24/7 but it's been such fun. I wanted to share a few of the purses me and Mr Gemmel have been working on. I hope you like them.
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